<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> DMP Designs - web design, development and hosting solutions

The Hosting Phase

Your site is complete. All that is now required is to get it up and running on the internet. First of all, a domain name is required - this is how your site is identified on the world wide web. Although a vast number of website names have already been usd by other companies and individuals, it is usually quite straightforward to find a name that suits the business.

With a name chosen the final choices are about the hosting package required. Depending on the content and size of the site, as well as email accounts, databases and other considerations, we have two hosting options available. For yet more advanced uses, the options can be tailored for additional functionality, giving you the professional hosting your site needs.

Once the site is up and running, we'll make sure that your site is submitted to the major search engines on the internet to attract as many visitors as possible.

At DMP Designs, we realise that this isn't the end of the line as far as your site is concerned, and thats why are able to provide additional support once everything is in place. As a courtesy, we will look after your domain name registration to make sure that it never lapses, and we will advise you on strategies for getting your site noticed. We can even mange your site for you, including your databases and email accounts if required. Whatever you need we'll do our best to provide.

Interested in what we have offer? Want to get your web site up and running? Contact us now using the email address at the top of our page, or use our contact form to give us some information.

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