<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> DMP Designs - web design, development and hosting solutions

The Development Phase

After finalisation of the overall site design in the design phase, the development phase gets underway. This phase comprises building the site from the design, to give the functionality and useability required. An important concern at this stage is maintaining ease -of-use for the site whilst providing as much information and functionality as possible. Sometimes these factors can conflict with the site design and where this happens we will always go back to the customer with compromise solutions.

Its also at this stage that we will construct elements of the site that will require interaction such as contact forms, feedback forms and anything else that means the customer receives information from those using the site.

Databases are also designed, built and populated at this stage where required. Databases are especially important when a customer needs to display lots of data (when displaying items for sale for example), and where this data needs to be updated or modified on a regular basis. As part of this database creation process, web pages will be created for the use of site administrators who can perform additions, updates or deletions from the database - these pages are not accessible by the standard web site user.

Once development has been completed, testing on the site is carried out and then any further refinements are made - all subject to the customers approval. Once the customer is happy with the site, its time for the final phase - hosting.

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